
株式会社ナノオプト・メディア(以下「当社」といいます)では、 当社が主催した展示会及びコンファレンス並びにインターネットを利用した全てのサービスにおいて、 当日登録/事前登録あるいは会員登録としてご利用いただいた皆様のプライバシー、 受託業務などで預託された個人情報の表す皆様のプライバシー、および従業員のプライバシーを尊重し、 個人情報を保護するために、次のように、細心の注意を払っております。

  • ・当社の事業の内容及び規模を考慮した適切な個人情報の収集、利用及び提供を行なう。
  • ・登録された個人情報への不正アクセス、個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざん及び漏えいなどの予防並びに是正を行なう。
  • ・個人情報に関する法令及びその他の規範を遵守する。
  • ・個人情報の保護に関する当社のコンプライアンス・プログラムを継続的に改善する。
  • ・個人情報の委託業務を行なう場合は、委託先が適切に個人情報を取り扱うよう、当社が監督する。
  • ・個人情報の提供業務を行なう場合は、あらかじめご本人に告知し、同意をいただく。
  • ・登録していただいた時点の利用目的と異なる利用を行なう場合は、改めてご本人に告知し、同意をいただく。






  • ・展示会やセミナーなどへの参加申し込み
  • ・電子メール配信サービスへの登録
  • ・各種会員制サービスへの登録
  • ・オンライン調査への回答
  • ・コンテスト、懸賞、その他のイベントへの応募/参加
  • ・特別なサービスや情報の要求
  • ・定期刊行物、書籍、デジタル・コンテンツ、その他商品の注文
  • ・その他




  • ・電子メール配信サービスのメールを配信するため
  • ・会員制サービスの登録者であるか確認するため
  • ・利用者の皆さまが注文された情報や商品などをお届けするため
  • ・利用者の皆さまが申し込まれたサービスなどを提供するうえで欠かせない確認やご案内のため
  • ・調査や各種イベントにご協力/ご参加いただいた方に結果などをご報告するため
  • ・利用者の皆さまのお役にたつであろう当社からのお知らせをお届けするため
  • ・利用者の皆さまのお役にたつであろう当社以外の企業/団体からのお知らせをお届けするため
  • ・今後のより良い展示会運営および新しいイベント開発に向けた調査のため
  • ・その他、なんらかの理由で利用者の皆さまと接触する必要が生じたときのためウエブ・サイトや電子メールなどの内容を利用者の皆さまがよりご満足いただけるよう改良するため、あるいは、個々の利用者に合わせてカスタマイズするために、利用者の皆さまにお聞きした個人情報を利用させていただくことがあります。また、個々の利用者が興味をお持ちであろう広告をお見せするために個人情報を利用することがあります。















  • ・本人確認ができない場合。
  • ・個人情報保護法上、対応する義務がない場合、所定の書類に不備があった場合。
  • ・本人または第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を侵害する恐れがある場合。
  • ・他の法令に違反することとなる場合。
  • ・開示請求の対象が、開示対象個人情報に該当しない場合。



〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿1-12-5 Uni-works新宿御苑3階

2023年3月1日 改訂

代表取締役社長 大嶋 康彰

NANO OPT Media Privacy Statement

NANO OPT Media, Inc. (hereafter, ‘NANO OPT Media’ or ‘the company’) respects the privacy of

  • ・all people who participate in exhibitions or conferences hosted by NANO OPT Media or use services via the Internet based on onsite registration, prior registration, or membership registration
  • ・all people who are expressed by personal information which trusted from firms or groups other than NANO OPT Media
  • ・employees of NANO OPT Media

And NANO OPT Media takes the utmost care to protect personal information.

  • ・NANO OPT Media appropriately collects, use and provides personal information in consideration of the contents and scale of the company’s business.
  • ・NANO OPT Media protects against illegal access and prevents personal information from loss, destruction and distortion.
  • ・NANO OPT Media observes laws regarding personal information and the relevant standards.
  • ・NANO OPT Media continuously improves the company’s compliance program of the protection of personal information.
  • ・NANO OPT Media supervises proper treatment of personal information by firms or groups which are provided by the company.
  • ・NANO OPT Media obtains a user’s consent after notification of outsourcing of personal information to firms or groups.
  • ・NANO OPT Media obtains a user’s consent after notification of the different usage of that user’s personal information from the original purposes at the time of registration.
  • ・NANO OPT Media discloses and diffuses the above items and the company’s Privacy Policy to directors and employees.
  • ・NANO OPT Media may supply database operations, site management, and exhibition secretariat management to firms or groups which are considered to be sufficiently reliable. In such cases, the personal information of all users continues to be protected under the company’s Privacy Policy.

The following sections explain NANO OPT Media’s Privacy Policy. Please read these sections before using NANO OPT Media’s various services.

NANO OPT Media Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

At NanoOpt Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”), we take utmost care to respect the privacy of all individuals whose personal information is entrusted to us through participation in exhibitions and conferences organized by us, as well as through all internet-based services including same-day registration, pre-registration, or membership registration. This also includes the privacy of individuals whose personal information is entrusted to us through contract work, as well as the privacy of our employees. To protect personal information, we adhere to the following guidelines:

  • ・We collect, use, and provide personal information appropriately, considering the nature and scale of our business.
  • ・We prevent and correct unauthorized access to personal information, as well as its loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage.
  • ・We comply with laws and other norms related to personal information.
  • ・We continuously improve our compliance program regarding the protection of personal information.
  • ・When outsourcing personal information handling, we supervise the contractor to ensure proper handling.
  • ・We notify and obtain consent from the individual before providing personal information.
  • ・If we intend to use personal information for purposes other than the original, we will notify and obtain consent from the individual again.
  • ・We ensure all officers and employees are aware of and adhere to these matters and our Privacy Policy.

Please read the following Privacy Policy to understand our policies when using our various services.

Privacy Policy

Regarding the Acquisition of Personal Information

NanoOpt Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) requests personal information from users in the following situations. In all cases, we explicitly state that personal information is required and request users to provide it voluntarily.

  • ・Application for participation in exhibitions and seminars
  • ・Registration for email distribution services
  • ・Registration for various membership services
  • ・Responding to online surveys
  • ・Application/participation in contests, lotteries, and other events
  • ・Requests for special services or information
  • ・Orders for periodicals, books, digital content, and other products
  • ・Others

Users may be asked for personal information when requesting information provision, service provision, product orders, applications, or contacts from companies/organizations other than our company through various event venues or sites operated by us. In such cases, we clearly state the necessity of providing personal information and request users to provide it voluntarily.

Regarding the Use of Personal Information

The personal information provided by users is used for the following purposes. Users can request us to refuse specific uses at any time.

  • ・To send emails for email distribution services
  • ・To confirm registration for membership services
  • ・To deliver the information and products ordered by users
  • ・To provide essential confirmations and guidance for the services applied for by users
  • ・To report results and other information to those who participated in surveys and various events
  • ・To deliver notifications from our company that may be useful to users
  • ・To deliver notifications from companies/organizations other than our company that may be useful to users
  • ・For research aimed at better future exhibition management and new event development
  • ・Other reasons requiring contact with users

To improve the content of websites and emails to better satisfy users or customize them for individual users, we may use the personal information provided by users. We may also use personal information to display advertisements that may be of interest to individual users.

Regarding Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We do not disclose registered personal information to third parties without the user’s consent. If users consent to information disclosure to third parties and later wish to stop providing information, we will stop providing information to third parties as soon as possible. However, if users voluntarily provide personal information to companies/organizations other than our company through various event venues or sites operated by us, we will consider it as consent, and the information will be provided to the respective company/organization.

Additionally, for membership services originally intended for such mediation, we consider user consent obtained during registration. In cases requiring payment for using paid services or ordering products, personal information may be exchanged with financial institutions to verify the legitimacy of bank accounts or the validity of credit cards. We may also disclose personal information if required by law or necessary to protect/defend the rights/property/safety of other users, our company, etc.

We may publish aggregated statistical information that has been processed statistically (e.g., “XX% of visitors to XXX Forum visit annually”). This does not include information that can identify individual users.

Security Measures

Development of Regulations Regarding the Handling of Personal Data We have established regulations for handling personal information, including acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal, defining handling methods, responsible persons, and their duties.

Organizational Security Measures We appoint a person responsible for handling personal information and clarify the scope of personal information handled by employees and the information they handle. We establish a reporting system for violations or signs of violations of laws or handling regulations to the responsible person. Internal audits are conducted by audit supervisors on the handling status of personal information, and corrective measures are promptly taken if any issues are found.

Human Security Measures We conduct regular training for employees on precautions regarding the handling of personal information. Confidentiality obligations regarding confidential information are stated in the work regulations, and confidentiality obligations are imposed.

Physical Security Measures We manage the entry and exit of employees in areas handling personal information and restrict devices brought into these areas. Measures are taken to prevent unauthorized access to personal information. Measures are also taken to prevent theft or loss of devices, electronic media, and documents handling personal data, and to ensure personal information is not easily identifiable during transportation, including within the business premises.

Technical Security Measures Access control to personal information is implemented, and the scope of personal information databases handled by employees is limited. Security measures are implemented for information systems handling personal information to protect against unauthorized access or malicious software.

Understanding External Environments When it is necessary to handle personal information in foreign countries, we understand the personal information protection systems in those countries and take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the security of personal information.

Requests for Disclosure and Deletion of Registered Information

When users request the cessation of information distribution or service provision or deletion of registered information, we will stop the service and delete the personal information from our database. Changes to email distribution registrations are accepted here. Some sites operated by us allow users to change their registered personal information.

We will respond promptly to disclosure requests after verifying the identity of the requester. Personal information obtained during disclosure, correction, and deletion requests will be handled to the extent necessary for these procedures and to respond to the requesting customers.

Disclosure Request Procedures

Responses to disclosure requests will be provided in writing (including electromagnetic methods) after verifying the requester’s identity. Please confirm the following in advance regarding non-disclosure reasons:

  • ・Inability to verify identity
  • ・No obligation to respond under the Personal Information Protection Law or incomplete prescribed documents
  • ・Risk of infringing on the life, body, property, or other rights/interests of the individual or third parties
  • ・Violation of other laws
  • ・Disclosure request not applicable to disclosable personal information

For inquiries regarding registered information or the handling of personal information, please contact the following window.

For inquiries relating to privacy policy, contact:

NANO OPT Media, Inc.
3F, Uni-works SHINJUKU GYOEN, 1-12-5 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0022, Japan

March 1, 2023

Yasuaki Oshima
NANO OPT Media, Inc.